Who am I? Well, I am just like you, insignificant yet a part of something so much more. Unique, just like everyone else. I am everything and nothing. A student of the world, traveller on the road, always searching, driven by curiosity but also by love. My name is Elissa Chrisson, Taurus sun and moon, Leo rising, and fellow earthling. I started travelling at 18 and never stopped, nor do I plan too. Magic is only available to those who believe, and I'm a believer. I found magic and never looked back; nothing was to prepare me for the years to come, the wild and wonderful journey ahead, profoundly moving and valuable lessons. Absorbing knowledge from the most experienced gurus, open/conscious people and soulful, natural places. Connection to mother nature brought an abundant and endless flow of joy, peace, and understanding to my life. I acknowledge and gracefully accept that I will forever be a student as life has countless lessons for us all. But also feel I have acquired enough knowledge on my way to now give back, share and help others.
My mission in life is to open the heart, mind and souls of those who seek growth to live in love and harmony with themselves and the world around them. I wish to share with you my experiences and my story, the places I have been, the things I have seen, life, love & everything in between, keeping animals safe and our world green, my yoga journey and my artist dream. Exploration of my inner and outer world through yoga, art, movement and adventure. My YAMA journey.
'Inspired by dreams and guided by knowledge.'
I have always loved movement in any form. Growing up I was best known for my sporting abilities, being a national swimmer and involved in various other sporting groups. Although I thought I was doing what I loved, I still found myself spending most of my time as a young adult travelling the world searching for answers. As I returned home to Sydney for what I hoped was an opportunity to settle and find my path, I found myself practising yoga every single day for 3 weeks at a local studio. By the 4th week I was on a plane to India to find out more about this so-called "yoga".
During my time in India I completed one 200 hour teacher training in the Raja Dhi Raja style of yoga. I was also honoured to serve as an assistant teacher at the Himalayan Yoga Institute with Ganga Devi. I practised with some of India's most experienced teachers who introduced me to various teaching styles such as Ashtanga, Kundalini, and Iyengar.
This time for me was where I excelled in physical, mental and spiritual growth. I worked out what that missing link was; yoga, my Svaddharma (purpose) for this lifetime. As much as I am a physically active person I came to realise that what I truly loved about yoga was not just asana practise but yogic philosophy - the science of yoga. It's the unity of body, mind and soul, the holistic practice, the cessation of mind, the teaching of presence and acceptance of what is that I love the most.
I have since worked with a very inspirational teacher Nikki Knoff. Her teachings are traditional and a direct lineage to Krishnamacharya. This practice takes from the dynamic series of Ashtanga and refined alignment of BKS Iyengar. Yoga is a living art form and my approach to yoga has been inspired by my teachers. Within the practice I adopt the qualities of Sthira and Sukha. Finding gentleness and steadiness within the asana practise through controlled breath to progressively exert less effort. I also aim to practise in a structured and conscious way, using a step by step progression to develop the practice in accordance with your abilities.
In Sydney, I have furthered my skills under the guidance of Elise Campbell, a friend and inspiration.
Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and hard work. I am a big believer that without effort there is no reward. My teaching will allow you to work hard, softly.
I understand and accept that each body has different requirements and I endeavour to practice taking this into account. This is holistic yoga. As a teacher, my passion lies in allowing you to take away the skills you have learnt from my teachings and develop a home practice where you become the teacher.
I will forever be a student to yoga and will continue to dedicate time to furthering my knowledge and advancing my asana practice. This is the beauty of yoga. It is encapsulating, empowering and endless.